RED Directive and the Standards in force in Benin


Unlike Regulatory Agencies in some countries, the Authority for the Regulation of Electronic Communications and Post Office (ARCEP) of Benin hasn’t yet started to apply the RED Directive for the approval of telecommunications equipment. Also, ARCEP gives authorization for European and American standards as well.

The RED Directive adopted since June ,12 2017 by some countries is not among the standards applicable in Benin. At the moment, the Authority for the Regulation of Electronic Communications and Post Office (ARCEP) is yet to give further instruction about this regulation. However, the silence of the Agency does not mean it denies to apply the RED Directive. As a matter of fact, following the discussions between our local team and ARCEP officials, our local agency has confirmed to apply the relevant reforms. Though the date for the directive to come into force in Benin hasnot yet been communicated, the idea underlying the reform is among those that the Regulatory Authority would want effective. There are several Standards or Directives that are authorized within the framework of ARCEP as follows:

• The 5/1999 / EC European Directive known as «R & TTE» (Radio and Terminal Telecommunication Equipment) for telecommunication terminals and radio equipment
• R & TTE 20/2002 / EC Directive of March ,7 2002 about the authorization of electronic communications networks and services
• The standards authorized by the Federal Communications Commission or (FCC) which is responsible for regulating telecommunications as well as the content of Radio and Television messages, and Internet broadcasts in the USA.

In the meantime, the agency has not mentioned any restrictions related to the standards or directives it authorizes. Manufacturers and suppliers of equipment may therefore submit their equipment for approval. Once the Approval Certificate is obtained, they will be able to access the Beninese market and operate there legally.

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