IEEE 802.11ac / ad / ah / p / standards are approved in Benin. The frequencies used for those standards are as follows: 5 GHz, 60 GHz, 0.9 GHz, and 5.9 GHz.
Over the years, the telecommunications sector has developed through the invention of countless technologies. For those technologies to be used harmoniously, standards have been introduced. This is the case with IEEE 802.11 standards that include several derivatives.
In Benin, most IEEE 802.11 standards use internationally accepted frequency bands. This is the case of IEEE 802.11 ac / ad / ah / p standards. They are approved by the Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques et de la Poste (ARCEP) following the characteristics below:
• IEEE 802.11ac standard uses 5 GHz frequency for a bandwidth of 160/80/40/20 MHz. This standard involves equipment such as routers, smart phones, access points etc…
• IEEE 802.11ad standard uses 60 GHz frequency within the -59.364 GHz frequency band for a 2160 MHz bandwidth. This standard includes devices such as professional laptops, etc…
• IEEE 802.11ah standard uses 0.9 GHz frequency for a bandwidth ranging from 1 to 8 MHz. The equipment involving this frequency band is not identified due to coexistence with GSM networks.
• IEEE 802.11p standard uses 5.9 GHz frequency within the -58505925 GHz frequency band for an indefinite bandwidth. For the time being, this   standard is used for service communications between vehicles and an infrastructure, or between vehicles.
The management of the frequency spectrum is one of the missions assigned to ARCEP. All the organizations that wish to use the abovementioned radio frequencies are advised to comply with the regulations in force in Benin.