The use of IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ ac standards has been authorized in Senegal. However, 802.11 ad / ax / ah / p are not yet authorized. The frequencies used for these standards are obtained upon licensing of equipment by ARPT.
IEEE 802.11 is a set of standards for local wireless networks (Wi-Fi). It was developed by the IEEE LAN / MAN Standards Committee Working Group 11 (IEEE 802). Several derivatives of the IEEE 802.11 standards exist, although the most widespread in Senegal are IEEE 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac standards. Some of our customers are concerned that the frequency used would be restricted to Telecommunications and Postal Regulatory Authority (ARTP). To better inform them and especially to reassure them, we sent our team based in Dakar to the regulatory authority, and after a few discussion sessions with the regulatory authority, it appears that the frequency used by IEE 802.11b standards is not subject to any restriction. Therefore, for us to give more details about the IEEE 802.11 standards used in Senegal, we obtained the listed information as shown in the table below from the agency:
It should be noted that IEE 802.11 ad / ax / ah / p standards are not yet authorized in Senegal. In any case, we are in contact with the Agency and we will be informed if any changes occur.
Let’s recall, if necessary that the use of the frequencies in Senegal is subject to the authorization by ARTP. Thus, all telecommunications equipment meant for the Senegalese market is subject to the approval by the regulatory authority.