Type-approved pieces of equipment in Senegal are not required to bear a label. However, the agency requires the presence of a sample for some equipment in the approval process.
In Sénégal, the Autorité de Régulation des Postes et Télécommunication (ARPT) requires a sample for the Type Approval of equipment in Senegal. This requirement only concerns pieces of equipment that are not recognized by the regulator. The applicant, if he wishes, can claim for his sample after the tests performed by the regulator. It should also be noted that the affixation of the label on type approved equipment is not mandatory in Senegal yet.
The ARTP agrees to type approve medical equipment including radio modules. There is no specific procedure for this type of equipment. As a matter of fact, the procedure used corresponds to the one implemented for radio equipment.
The ARTP defines prior approval conditions for equipment, laboratories and installer considering the need to ensure, in the general interest, the preservation of conditions mainly concerning networks, users and staffs of network operators as well as the effective use of the radio spectrum. The approval regime is organized by the articles 27 to 30 of the telecommunications code. The regime concerns
Radio equipment, whether they are intended or not intended to be connected to a public telecommunications network.
Terminal equipment only when they are intended to be connected to a public telecommunications network
Radio equipment installers, on their own account or on behalf of third parties
By complying with the regulation in force in Senegal, manufacturers can benefit from an evolving domestic market.